Free Spyware & Other Tools

Use these programs.  They're useful.  I promise.

Here's a quick step-by-step guide to make sure your computer is spyware free:

(All of these programs are free or have free versions)

1.    Go to Windows Update and install all critical updates for you computer.

2.    Install Ad-aware, Spybot S&D, and Spyware Blaster, and/or Microsoft Anti-Spyware  Then go into each of these programs and make sure the databases are current, then run each program.  Spybot and Ad-Aware will remove spyware already on your computer, and Spyware Blaster will work to keep spyware from installing in the future.  Microsoft Anti-Spyware seems to work in place of either of all these programs, but I haven't used it long enough to say for sure.

3.    I highly recommend using Mozilla Firefox as your internet browser in place of Internet explorer.  It will dramatically decrease the amount of spyware and viruses that your computer will pick up.   If you don't want to use Firefox, at least download the Google Toolbar to keep pop-ups from coming up in Internet Explorer.  Or if you have Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed, Internet explorer includes it's own pop-up blocker.

4.    Install and run a firewall.  I like the free version of Zone-alarm.  Windows XP Service Pack 2 also includes a built-in  firewall.  I don' t know how well it works though.

5.    If you don't have one already, install an anti-virus program.  AVG and Avast! are both excellent programs.  I currently use Avast! but I like both.  They both have free versions that work well.

6.    Remember to run all of these programs, and update their databases regularly.

7.    After all this, just use your common sense.  If you think of downloading a free program or file, do a search on Google for the 'programs name' and "spyware" and do a little research to make sure it's not something that will give your computer problems.


Some More in-depth info:

another good tool is Hijack This.  I haven't had to use it, but I've heard good things about it.